Thursday, January 27, 2011

Snow Day

First of all, let me just say: Philadelphia, you look ravishing in white.

Work is closed today.  I can't tell you how much love I have for snow days.  I loved them in middle school a lot because I got to sit at home and watch crap tv all day and this was about 1,000,000,000 x more awesome than middle school.  But the whole day was also spent dreading the next one, by which time all the snow would be cleared and I'd have to go back to school.  Now that I'm an adult and I love my job, snow days are even cooler.  Mother Nature calls a time out, and I get 24 hours to fuck around and watch movies and walk around the neighborhood in giant boots and pajamas.  And then everything is back to normal again the next day, and I just pick up where I'd left off.  No problem.

And now I am going to go finish reading Just Kids and find some Price is Right reruns on the internet.  Get your pets spayed and neutered, people.

1 comment:

  1. not fair. why can't we have the arizona equivalent of a snow day - heat days? when it's 120F i shouldn't have to bike into school.

    when i was in junior high in san diego, BTW, we had the southern california equivalent - smog days. on those days we had to go to school, we just didn't have PE class. instead we had to sit in the cafeteria and just wait for an hour because we weren't allowed to exercise outside.
