Thursday, September 8, 2011

Three things

1. This delightful homebrewed Baahston-accented video is just delightful. I love that accent so much. I could watch this over and over. What is this: eeerrrrrrth fuhruit?

2. I've just spent the morning going through some uncatalogued photographs from the 1930s, all stacked neatly in boxes just big enough to hold them. And now my hands smell like darkroom. If you've ever worked in one, you know what I'm talking about and you probably love it. If you know what I'm talking about but haven't worked in a darkroom, you probably hate it. I find it so staggering that fixers and developers from almost a century ago can still leave their mark on me. I really love it.

3. My On my way to Trust Market from yesterday, which did not get posted as I accidentally ended up at a dinner party until late. GARGOYLE!

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