Saturday, October 1, 2011

On my way to Trust Market, part R.I.P. America, and other coming attractions (accurate and inaccurate)

1. I just checked out from the library the autobiography of Ella Young, a slightly looney-tunes mystic / folklorist who almost got turned down at Ellis Island in the 1920s for unashamedly professing her belief in faeries and elves. Don't ask. But the subtitle to this text is: Things Remembered Accurately and Inaccurately. This might be the most honest autobiography title ever. Way to go, hippie avant la lettre!

2. I did not go to Trust Market today because I was at the amazing Mütter Museum all day looking at albumen prints of siamese twins and Civil War surgical results and daguerreotypes of rickets and the enlarged colon of a 19th-century gentleman known as Windbag. In a museum in which photography is strictly forbidden, this is the only image I was able to make on the d.l. Yes, they are real:

3. BUT on my way home - conveniently also the route to TM - I saw this new, exciting holiday décor. And so it will serve as a stand-in for my next TM run. I was so worried it wouldn't be there next week, because it's just too good. Halloween is HUGE in this neighborhood, but I can see someone rethinking the patriotic element of this arrangement:

R.I.P. U.S.A.

4. Inspired by the process of moving into my new place, I decided to write a short little blog entry about each of the apartments I've lived in, starting with the earliest one first. But then I started mulling over whether I wanted to start with dorm rooms. Either way, that's coming up. But not tonight. It's late, and I need to sleep. Cross your fingers that thoughts of the Mütter remain active only in my waking life.

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